Jesus our peace
When nations are not at war, they are not necessarily at peace with one another. They may be preparing for war instead.
When people do not fight, they do not essentially have peace within. They may be just as troubled inside as those who are at war.
Peace is not external. It resides in the heart of those who are not disturbed by any conflict from the outside.
Peace does not depend on international agreements. It rests on God’s gift of reconciliation with us through Jesus, His Son.
We pray for peace, but we should not forget to work for it. Peace is God’s gift and our task. People who pray for peace are not automatically peaceful people. Peaceful people are people who make peace with God and with one another.
Jesus gives us His peace. Let us be peacemakers. The absence of conflict is not peace. But the absence of Jesus in our lives is always the absence of peace. Jesus is our Peace.
Reflection Question:
Peace is God’s gift and our task.
Lord Jesus Christ, You are our Peace. Please dwell in our hearts.
You said to Your apostles, “I leave you peace; my peace I give you.” Look not on our sins, but increase our faith, hope, and love. Make us channels of Your peace that we may have the unity of Your kingdom where You live and reign forever and ever.
Written by Fr. Bobby Titco.