Vision. Passion. Misson.
A man without a Vision will PERISH..
That a man without a DIRECTION towards to His Purpose is considered to be having an empty leaden life… like a life going unto a cyclical pattern—that goes on and on but gets to NO WHERE…
I just remembered the story in John 4 where Jesus meets the Samaritan Gentile Woman.
Jesus was so tired after having the long walk in the midst of scorching heat of the day. Hungry as He and His disciples were as they stopped in Samaria, that His disciples went away to find some lunch to satisfy their hunger. They all left Jesus on the Ancient Well to find and buy some food for their hunger.
And here comes Jesus, alone in the Ancient well. I wonder how Jesus really feeling at that very moment… All thirsty and you don’t have any bucket to reach for a water in the well. Well, He has the POWER to do so but He has no permission from His Father. That God wanted Him to endure all the period of deprivation of being a man for the greater cost of His Kingdom.
So Jesus tries to walk away from the well and looked toward to the village. There, He saw the lone figured woman trying to balance the jug of water on her head as she climbed the long hill towards Him. Then suddenly, Jesus knew the reason WHY GOD HAVE VERY DETERMINED to make Him and His disciples travel the land of Samaria—that sooner or later– the Samaritan Gentile will be coming home to the Kingdom of Our Father…
Jesus asked the Samaritan Gentile for a drink. And woman just asked, “You’re a Jew and you are asking me, a Samaritan for a drink?”… Well, during this time, Jews never put their lips to a vessel from which a Gentile had drink. Take note, a Samaritan Gentile… and oppss… A WOMAN!!!
No wonder the woman is startled. Jesus is asking for a water from Him… and suddenly Jesus said to her “You probably a very thirsty, woman. You’ve been obviously drinking at the wrong well. If you only knew who you are probably talking to… You would ask Me and I would give you a living water…”
And that’s it, like a very thunderous sound that popped unto my thoughts—not unless the Source of our Water is the Living Water Himself—we can never be satisfied… That unless our PURPOSE is from the Living God—we can never feel that fulfillment and COMPLETENESS of such EMPTINESS inside us…
Well, Jesus has a VISION, a MISSION, and a never ending PASSION for His people. And us, woman can upheld to these three significant words Jesus is yielding to the deepest core of our existence. That Jesus wants us to be involved… to take the steps for CHANGE…
That like God—we have to take our delight to the LEAST, to the LOST, and to the LAST—a heart for those souls that were broken and have been in darkness for a long time… and they need the guide to the TRUTH that Jesus came to SEEK and to SAVE those who are LOST…
To be like Jesus, a man who sees the NEED of the LOST WOMAN ( a Samaritan Gentile Woman!), that even though He is so thirsty and tired and hungry—His PASSION for HIS VISION and MISSION prevails from the desires of His own flesh… very DIFFERENT from what His disciples did… who left Him alone in the well and got focused to finding their lunch just to satisfy their OWN hunger…
Let us not be someone who just so satisfied to satisfy our own satisfaction. That we tend to become comfortable with our FAITH that we don’t even care for those things that are happening around us. That unconsciously, we live without a VISION and certainly without PASSION…
Listen to what Jesus is trying to tell us… “Open our eyes and look at the fields! They are RIPE for HARVEST…” –John4:35.
How can we think of our own food right now?
God’s plan for our lives us to come along side in searching and winning for the LOST souls.
Unkown Author.