The Holy Spirit and The Baptism in the name of Jesus
Please, answer this question in the end of this study…
When we get to know the Scriptures, we start to understand why Christ said: “know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32), in other passage he tells us the parable of the weeds and the wheat, he also says that “the testimony of two is valid” (John 8:17), and he teaches us about the punishments of those who would add or take words away from the Bible (Revelation 22:18,19).
Actually, there is a big uproar around the baptismal formula and the trinity, which its roots lie in Matthew 28:19: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…” . When we start studying the Scriptures as the Bible teaches us; comparing one thing to another, paying attention if there is confirmation for this verse, we realize that it is a single passage with no confirmation, denying what is taught us through the Scriptures about the testimony of two being valid. Here is the testimony of “one”. It’s a weed in the middle of the wheat, it’s a veil in the gospel of Jesus Christ, blinding the men to see the light of the Glory of Jesus shining upon them (Matthew 13:24-30; II Corinthians 4:1-5; Galatians 1:6-12). It’s the biggest subversion already done by man in the Bible; it took out the primacy of Jesus, as our Savior and mediator, to put a trine God, inexistent.
Besides Matthew 28:19, the Trinitarians rely the base of their faith in two other passages to assure the existence of the Trinity. The first one is John 16:7-14, but reading it carefully Jesus in it speaks about the Father through figuration (confirm this in John 15:7,15,27). The second and most controversial passage after Matthew 28 is I John 5:7,8 where can be read:“For there are three that testifies: The Spirit, the water and the blood and the three are in agreement”. According to the New Testament Interpreted Verse by Verse, by the religious society “The Biblical Voice” (page 293): “This verse was added by mere scribal annotation, not being legitimate words of the New Testament. These words never before appeared in any Greek manuscript” and goes even further, alleging that “its insertion correspond to a deceiving leafing of the Word of God”.If the testimony of three about the trinity were true, 57 passages of the New Testament that prove the Duality would be a lie.
In the Divinity, there are only the Father and the Son (John 17:3-5). Jesus taught us to believe in God and him (John 14:1). There is just one God (Isaiah 45:4-6,21,22). Jesus said that good is only one, God (Luke 18:19), and that He is not alone but with Him was the Father who had sent him (John 8:16). In his affirmations, he says to be one with the Father (John 10:30). If there were the existence of three, wouldn’t he have mentioned?!
According to the Scriptures, eternal life consists in knowing God, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He has sent (John 17:3). Our communion is with the Father and His son Jesus Christ (I John 1:3); never with a Trinity! Pay attention to the allegation of our brothers in I Corinthians 8:5,6, there is no mention of three people, but again, just two. Who gives testimony of Christ is God himself (John 8:17,18); He is the greatest one in this Dualist divinity, never Unicist or Trinitarian, as can be confirmed in John 14:28.
The order of Matthew 28:19 was never fulfilled (obeyed) by anyone of Jesus’ disciples or followers. Let’s take a look at the first apostolic baptism (Acts 2:37,38): seven days after Christ had been raised to heaven, after the Holy Spirit (power of God) descended, Peter, when interrogated by the crowd, answered them to repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus. Would Peter be giving a contrary order to the Scriptures being full of power of the Spirit of the Lord that Christ, exalted to the right hand of God, having received it from the Father, just poured out upon them all? Let’s analyze the Samaritan baptism, it was done in the name of Jesus (Acts 8:14-17). We can’t forget that the baptism of the first gentile, Cornelius, was in the name of Jesus too (Acts 10:44-48), so as followers as they were of Jesus if they had heard about a Trinity, would they have disobeyed practicing a baptism in a name that was never taught them? Observe that in the Samaritan baptism the “gift” of the Holy Spirit was poured upon them “after” the baptism was done, and in the Cornelius’, “before”. In neither one of them it happened simultaneously, being in opposition to the order of Matthew 28:19.
Acts 19:1-5 tells us something really interesting about an episode when Paul meets some disciples that had been baptized by John the Baptist and asks them if they had received the Holy Spirit. The answer was: “No, we have never even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” The Bible tells us that there came a man who was sent by God, his name was John (John 1:6). The question is: Somebody sent by God, responsible for Jesus’ baptism, would do a wrong baptism? Certainly not! So it’s up to us to exam the Scriptures.
Paul and John, respectively, allege in Acts 4:20 and I John 1:3 that they can not help speaking about what they had seen and heard; and they were loyal and trustworthy to their words, note that they never mentioned a Trinity. Why? Because they had never heard from Christ or from anybody else about its existence.
In the Trinitarian formula, there is a big contradiction; Father is not a name, but a title indicating the position a person occupies in someone’s life, as the word Son. We know that the name of God is Jehovah, and the son’s is Jesus. When we baptize in the name of a father whose name is not mentioned, of a son that is not mentioned either, becomes clear that this person is baptized in nobody’s name; if we are sons and daughters of somebody, we need to have in our birth certificate the name of our father, and certainly not just the word Father. We can’t forget that baptism is a reborn (John 3:3).
Attention to the Trinitarian formula: When is said: “In the name of the father” (as already explained is not pronounced the name of this father); “in the name of the son” (here we can observe two problems; not only the name is not pronounced but the “supposed” Jesus is thrown to the second place when God gave the primacy to the name of his son – Ephesians 1:20,21; Colossian 1:18); and the Holy Spirit (that is God himself, it is the power that emanates from his own being; imperceptibly God is been thrown to the third place, bellow Christ, when it’s said that the Father is greater than the Son (John 14:28). Christ has the primacy of the name, and God the primacy of the power, reason why the Bible tells us that the sin against the Son is forgiven but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of the Lord, is not (Luke 12:10). Why? Because it is God himself (Read Exodus 32:32, 22:28; Revelation 16:9; Job 1:11).
All the apostles were baptized in the name of Jesus (read attentively Romans 6:3,4). Note: Verse 4 says: “We therefore buried with Him through the baptism into death…”, observe the pronoun “him”, it’s in the singular, it didn’t use them (father, son and Holy Spirit) as it should have if there were a Trinity. Here can be seen clearly the inexistence of it. The baptism is a symbol of death and resurrection, Christ is the one that died not God, God is immortal; how could His name be mentioned in the baptism once, as already said, it is a symbol of death and resurrection with Christ? It’s a sin to baptize mentioning him. When we lie in the water it is symbolizing we are dying for the world, for the “old man” and resurrecting a new creature in Christ.
Now think: Who is this “supposed” father that stays in the first place when the Trinitarian formula is pronounced in the baptism? Read II Thessalonians 2:3,4 and you will understand.
Something else for you to think, supposing there is a trinity; God, Son and Holy Spirit, answer this question: Whose son is Jesus? You probably answered “God”, but who got Mary pregnant was not God, but the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:34,35); so according to the Trinitarian formula Jesus could not be God’s son but the Holy Spirit’s son. But we know the truth that Jesus is truly God’s son because it was THE POWER of GOD, known as Holy Spirit, that came upon Mary making her pregnant.
There is a big contradiction between the gospel of Matthew and the others (Mark, Luke and John). All the other gospels agree that in the first day Jesus appeared to the women and in the some day to his disciples, but they disagree about the place where he appeared. Luke and John tell us that his apparition happened in Jerusalem (Luke 24:33-40; John 20:16-20). According to Mark 16:1-8, the disciples didn’t leave the place where they were, because the women said nothing to anyone about the angel’s words because they were afraid (verse 8). The following verses (9-20), as can be confirmed in many Bibles, there is a bottom page note saying that they aren’t in the ancient manuscripts, concluding that they have not been written by Mark.
Matthew is the only one to say that Jesus’ apparition was in Galilee. It would be humanly impossible to the disciples to leave Jerusalem on foot, and walk from 60 to 100 miles (the region of Galilee is big and the Bible doesn’t give us the exactly localization), that corresponds to 90 and 160 kilometers. Mathematically, they would need to fly on a speed of a crow, during five hour straight ahead, nonstop, to arrive in the locality indicated by the Messiah, and meet him in that same day. And in all this eccentric scenery how could Jesus find time to be going for a stroll on the road of Emmaus, accepting “close to night time” an invitation for dinner? (John 20:19; Luke 24:29).
The order of Matthew 28:10, “hypothetically” attributed to Jesus commanding his disciples to be going to Galilee, is in opposition to his own order, confirmed in two passages, Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:4, where he told them to stay in the city until they had been clothed with THE POWER (Holy Spirit) from on High. This promise was fulfilled just fifty days after his death (read Acts 1:3 and Acts 2 – Pentecost was celebrated fifty days after Passover, when he died).
There is something else really serious about the order of Matthew 28:19,20; in the end of the verse 20 can be read: “I am with you till the very end of the age”. Other translations say “till the end of the century”. These words could never belong to Jesus Christ, His kingdom is eternal, it doesn’t go till the end of the age (Ephesians 1:21, 2:7; Revelation 11:15; Daniel 7:14,27; Psalm 145:13). Satan is the god of this century (age) (II Corinthians 4:4), so he is the one that will have his kingdom finished and banished from the face of the earth in the end of the age. God permitted the insertion of this apostasy in the Bible, as already predicted, but was fixed a time for its existence together with its followers: “till the end of the age” (Matthew 13:39,40; II Corinthians 4:4).
The Trinity was created by Tertullian, a Roman Catholic church father, in the second century and was officially implanted in the Nicea Council in 325 A.C.
To find out the truth about Matthew 28:19, we don’t need to go to the Hebrew as the evidences have already shown, but when we do it, we can see that this verse’s content has been totally violated.
Let`s analyse the attachments below: The Gospel of Matthew in Hebrew and in English and What it is said from other sources about this controversy passage? (see download), which contain precious comparation between the original order in Hebrew and in English.
Now, it`s necessary to analyse some historical sources in order to understand why it happened. Here are brought to light some important research collected in many historical documents and encyclopedias, showing the content of the true formula given by Jesus: the baptism in His name! (extracted from, captured in 05.02.08):
The Apostles Just baptized in The Name of Jesus.
(Acts 2:38, 8:12,16, 10:47,48, 19:5, 22:16; Ephesians 4:5; Romans 6:3,4; Galatians 3:27; Colossians 2:11,12, 3:17)
ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, 11th Ed., Vol. 3, Page 365-366:
“The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, and Holy Ghost by the Catholic Church in the 2nd Century.”
Vol. 3, Page 82: “Everywhere in the oldest sources it states that baptism took place in the Name of Jesus Christ.”
“The early church always baptized in the Name of Lord Jesus until the development of the trinity doctrine in the 2nd Century.”
1913 CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA, Vol. 2, page 365: “Here the Catholic acknowledge that baptism was changed by the Catholic Church”.
“… the true explanation why the early church did not at once administer baptism in the threefold name is that the words of Mat 28:19 were not meant as a baptismal formula. [Jesus] was not giving instructions about the actual words to be used in the service of baptism, but, as has already been suggested, was indicating that the baptized person would by baptism pass into the possession of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.”
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION AND ETHICS, James Hastings, p.384: “There is no evidence [in early church history] for the use of the triune name.” – Rev. Steve Winter.
(*) For further information, see the attachment Other souces – download .
We can see here is being fulfilled many prophecies, one of them is in Daniel 7:25 (… try to change the set times and the laws…); and Revelation 22:18,19 (I warn everyone who hears the word of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book and if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away…). The words change times and laws, add and take words away show explicitly that the content of the Bible was going to be violated in strategic points.
It wouldn’t be necessary such allegations if adds or subtractions would not have been done in the future. Remember that Satan, when tempting Jesus, used a distortion of the Word to lead him to sin; the same happens nowadays, reason why there are so many religions. There is just one Lord, one faith and one baptism (Ephesians 4:5), says the Bible, so why so many religions with followers of the same Word? How to know the truth? Examining the Word of God!
We are going to be judged by the original law, given by God through Christ not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the law…(Matthew 5:17-19). So we need to know the true law taught by Christ that Satan tries hardly to hide it from us to impede our salvation.
The Lord advices us about Babylon (wrong doctrines): Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her (referring to Babylon), my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues”(Revelation 18:4).
Jesus says: “My lambs will listen to my voice.” After reading the whole study the question for you, which God has chosen to be with this treasure in your hands is: The Bible approves the Trinity?
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English version: Jucilene G. Ruffo